The Agrocentre network has access to a wide range of raw materials to meet all your crop fertilization requirements. We are proud to offer quality granular and liquid fertilizers for solutions tailored to the needs of every one of our clients.
A Complete Range
We believe that every dollar invested must generate a return. 
We also know that crop nutrition is a complex science and that all sources of a nutrient are not the same. 
That’s why we provide a complete range of fertilizers, including a number of value-added products:

(24-0-0 7.6Ca 6S)

Sulfan is a source of nitrogen in the ammonium and nitrate forms, with each granule containing calcium and sulphur. Sulphur is a major fertilizing element that is essential in protein synthesis and chlorophyll formation in leaves. Nitrogen in the form of nitrate, as well as sulphur in the sulphate form, are immediately available for plant uptake, making Sulfan an ideal fertilizer for starter mixes.


NK21 is a compound of ammonium nitrate and potash in a single granule. The homogeneous granules enable more uniform field application. The nitrogen is more readily available for plant uptake, and its nitrate nitrogen component increases availability during cooler soil conditions.

(12-40-0 1Zn 10S)

MicroEssentials® SZ®  fuses nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur and zinc in a single granule, and promotes uniform nutrient distribution and improved nutrient uptake, ensuring plants get the amount they need. This is vital given that zinc, an essential element for plant growth, is only required in small doses. MicroEssentials® SZ®  also improves monoammonnium phosphate availability, especially when soil pH levels are high.

(0-0-58 0.5B)

Aspire® combines boron and muriate of potash into one granule. Boron is involved in root growth and elongation, and plant tissue development. It also plays a role in pollination and thus in maximizing crop yields. Because boron is required for plant growth and pollination, it is vital that it be bioavailable throughout the growing season. Aspire® incorporates two forms of boron—sodium borate (for quick release) and calcium borate (for gradual release)—to ensure season-long availability. Aspire® is THE system for delivering boron in the right amount, at the right time and in the right location.

(0-0-21.5 10.5Mg 21S)

Each granule of the K-Mag® fertilizer contains a perfect balance of potassium, magnesium and sulphur. Like sulphur, magnesium is an essential element in photosynthesis. Magnesium deficiencies are unfortunately increasingly common, especially in intensive crop production systems. It is therefore important to provide crops with sufficient magnesium to replace what is removed. K-Mag® nutrients are almost 100% water-soluble, which means the potassium, magnesium and sulphur provided are immediately available for plant uptake.

(21-0-0 24S)

Ammonium sulfate is particularly beneficial to crops that require high levels of sulfur (e.g. alfalfa). The nitrogen it contains is in the form of ammonium (NH4+), and thus poses no risk of loss through volatilization. It is the least hygroscopic and volatile nitrogenous fertilizer; however, it is highly acidifying.

(0-0-50 18S)

This source of potash has the added benefit of sulfur uptake. More costly than traditional muriate of potash (MOP), sulfate of potash (SOP) has a more significant impact on crop yields and quality as well as on plant resistance to stress. SOP has a considerably lower salt index than MOP and is an asset for fertilizing chlorine-sensitive crops.

Chemical composition of fertilizer materials
The data accompanied by an asterisk * are recorded in kg/litre Density conversion (lb/ft3 x 1.59 = kg/hL).
Organic fertilizers
Organic production does not mean using no inputs. One of the general principles of organic production is:
  • To maintain long-term soil fertility by optimizing conditions for biological activity within the soil.
    Source: Canadian General Standards Board (2009). Organic production systems: general principles and management standards.

The Agrocentre network is proud to offer a growing range of fertilizer products that can be used in organic agriculture.

Nitrogen Stabilizers
Nitrogen applied to the soil may be partially lost to the environment due to different phenomena: volatilization, denitrification and leaching. There is therefore a real economic and environmental benefit in trying to synchronize nitrogen application with periods of high crop uptake.

The Agrocentre network distributes the range of Agrotain® nitrogen stabilizers manufactured by Koch Agronomic Services. When added to urea or liquid nitrogen solutions, these products prevent loss by volatilization by inhibiting the urease enzyme to maintain nitrogen in the form of urea until crops require it. Agrotain® Plus SC also minimizes loss by leaching and denitrification by inhibiting the transformation of ammonium into nitrate.

The figure below illustrates the transformation of urea contained in granules or nitrogen solutions into a form of nitrogen that can be uptaken by crops. It also illustrates where nitrogen can be lost to the environment. Note where Agrotain products' modes of action occur:

Nitrogen Stabilizers
Nitrogen applied to the soil may be partially lost to the environment due to different phenomena: volatilization, denitrification and leaching. There is therefore a real economic and environmental benefit in trying to synchronize nitrogen application with periods of high crop uptake.

The Agrocentre network distributes the range of Agrotain® nitrogen stabilizers manufactured by Koch Agronomic Services. When added to urea or liquid nitrogen solutions, these products prevent loss by volatilization by inhibiting the urease enzyme to maintain nitrogen in the form of urea until crops require it. Agrotain® Plus SC also minimizes loss by leaching and denitrification by inhibiting the transformation of ammonium into nitrate.

The figure below illustrates the transformation of urea contained in granules or nitrogen solutions into a form of nitrogen that can be uptaken by crops. It also illustrates where nitrogen can be lost to the environment. Note where Agrotain products' modes of action occur:

The 4Rs
4R nutrient stewardship is an internationally recognized best management practice system with four key pillars for fertilizer application: Right Source @ Right Rate, Right Time, Right Place®. The Agrocentre network believes that this is the best method for optimizing the profitability of our clients’ businesses while minimizing the environmental impact of organic and synthetic fertilizer use. We work with cutting-edge technology (satellite imagery, zone management software, precision applicators) and a wide range of fertilizer materials, and we continuously expand our knowledge of fertilization, in line with the 4R nutrient stewardship philosophy.

Source: https://fertilizercanada.ca/fr/gerance-des-nutriments/

A service you can rely on
Proper fertilization of your crops is a key element of success. The Agrocentre team knows this and has therefore developed a solid expertise in fertilization. Our advisors adapt their recommendations based on crop requirements, soil and foliar analysis results, and cultural methods, in compliance with existing standards and regulations.

We know that time is of the essence when it comes to seeding. That’s why the whole Agrocentre network team works in close collaboration to provide you with a top-notch service. In spring, speed of execution and delivery is our priority. We pride ourselves on properly maintaining our equipment and machinery, and improving and replacing them when necessary in order to be ready and efficient when it matters most.

Aspire, K-Mag, MicroEssentials and SZ are registered trademarks of The Mosaic Company. Aspire, K-Mag, MicroEssentials and SZ are registered trademarks of The Mosaic Company.

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